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A useful page with good advice and no agency BS

The good news is that it’s all free and you can share with anyone else who might be interested (or just use it to make yourself look good in meetings).

The bad news is you’ll need to register/login to access it all. We’re not trying to be awkward, it just helps us keep tabs on which topics are proving to be the most interesting to our clients and partners.

Introducing Daisy

Introducing Daisy

Introducing Daisy, our deeper AI-enabled survey tool. At Tapestry we understand the importance of accessing rich insights at speed. Over the past six months our data science and scripting teams…

The Great AI Divide

The Great AI Divide

AI polarises. Not just around knowledge and understanding. But also around hopes and fears. Given AI’s ubiquity, we wanted to understand more about how AI unites and divides audiences around the…

AI: Friend or Foe?

AI: Friend or Foe?

AI is a hot topic, and a complex one too. We’re using it to improve things such as QC, probing and coding. But what’s the mood like among consumers in general? In particular, what do they…

New Year, New Me(ans of Understanding Consumers)

New Year, New Me(ans of Understanding Consumers)

We all know the feeling. The New Year dawns and along with it comes the conviction that we will shortly transform into a better version of ourselves, even if the ability to do so has eluded us in…

Researching a Never-ending Journey

Researching a Never-ending Journey

‘Life is a journey’ goes the well-known saying. Or ‘I’m on a journey,’ someone might say about their career, ambition or quest for self-discovery. ‘It’s been…

Pandemic Profiles: Emerging from lockdown

Pandemic Profiles: Emerging from lockdown

In April 2020, we identified four types of consumer based on how they were thinking,feeling and acting in relation to the coronavirus pandemic. At the start of 2021 therewas still no escaping the…

Check your segmentations!

Check your segmentations!

When huge events happen that change the way people think, feel and act (such as, say, a global pandemic), how can you be sure your segmentation is still valid? We’ve developed a new approach that…

Pandemic Profiles: Travelling during a pandemic.

Pandemic Profiles: Travelling during a pandemic.

The travel industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, what are consumers looking for?

Pandemic Profiles: Ready Player One

Pandemic Profiles: Ready Player One

Gaming is one of the few things that has seen an uptick during the pandemic, as hardcore and casual players have more time to immerse themselves. But what’s driving gamers?

Looking Up From Lockdown

Looking Up From Lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on consumers’ mindset and behaviour, making it harder than ever to predict how they’re going to feel or act. To help brands better…