Tapestry Trust Gives Back

Whilst there’s truth in the adage that ‘charity begins at home’, we’re aware that home to quite a few of our team is a long way from our London base, which is one of the reasons we have launched the Tapestry Trust, to make charitable donations that the Tapestry team has a personal awareness of, or connection to.

Tapestry has made charitable donations for many years; we have a long-standing relationship with The Trussell Trust and Pride in Surrey, but we are aware of just how many more charities also need support.

Since the beginning of 2024, we have allocated an annual budget of £10,000, for the Tapestry Trust, which is divided into £2,500 quarterly. This gives each of our employees the opportunity to anonymously nominate charities of their choice. We take a vote, and the top three charities receive a portion of that quarterly’s ‘pot’.

This March there was a tie for third place, so we have divided the funds thus:

Women for Refugee Women believe a better, safer life for every refugee woman should be possible in Britain. Their vision is ‘a world where women no longer need to seek asylum because they are safe from persecution and have equal power and access to opportunities’.  

The Charity’s Supporter Engagement Officer, Lilah Hyman, said: ‘A huge thank you to everyone at Tapestry Research for the incredible donation. We are so touched by your generosity; your support will make a real difference to the refugee and asylum-seeking women we work with.’

David McCreadie, from The Get Exploring Trust (GET), explained how their charity’s aim is to inspire and enable people from all backgrounds, particularly 13 to 23-year-olds, to get outdoors, test themselves in different environments, pushing their limits and fundamentally discovering just how much potential they have within them.

GET are able to do so by giving grants to individuals, and groups who make online grant applications. This could be a single young person who is raising money to kayak down a long stretch of one of Britain’s waterways, or to a school/youth group on an organised trip to Cambodia. The key is the idea, their passion, and implementation.

The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support, as well as campaigning for those facing hardship.

Pride in Surrey is a non-profit community interest company with a mission to celebrate, educate and connect the LGBTQ+ community and allies across Surrey and the surrounding counties. They lost absolutely everything in a warehouse fire in 2023 and are re-building to become stronger and stronger. This year’s Pride in Surrey festival takes place in Guildford on 21st September.

We are really excited about the future of the Tapestry Trust. We hope we can help open doors, raise awareness and… raise money.

Please take a moment to click on to each of the charity’s websites and donate, volunteer, or sponsor, if you can.